5 Yoga Poses for Flexible Legs

Stretching not only feels good but relieves pain. Best of all, it increases flexibility which is basically what every girl wants. As someone who engages in leg days, it’s vital to stretch the leg muscles to relieve any tightness and soreness that feels like a ‘good pain’ in the process. Here are five yoga poses to increase leg flexibility that can be practiced before or after a workout or run, as more people are doing cardio during this uncertain time.

Forward fold or Uttanasana

This pose is for stretching calves and hamstrings. It also strengthens the thighs and knees. At first, it burns in the back of the knees when the body is lowered to the ground but that’s normal. Standing tall, slowly touch your toes and gradually try to place your hands on the mat in front of them.

The more often you do it, the more flexible your legs will become by eventually being able to touch your toes without pain.

Pigeon pose or One-Legged-King

Stretches front thigh, quads, and hips. Bend one leg to the side of the mat in front of you, resting on the outer calf and thigh. Lower the opposite hip to balance the pressure on both sides.

It increases hip flexibility because it stretches both the hip rotators in the glute area, as well as the hip flexors. These are hip muscles that extend from the pelvis onto the front thighs.

Runners stretch or Half hanuman

This might be hard to stretch at first if your hamstrings are tight like mine are, but with regular practice, it will loosen the muscles. Kneel on one leg, and extend the other in front. With heel and foot facing upwards, push the mat away with your fingertips on each side of the leg. For an extra stretch, lean back further and flex the foot to the ceiling.

This targets the sit bones to the back of the knees, calves and at the same time opens the hips.

Reclined big toe pose or Suptapadangusthasana

A long word I don’t know how to pronounce, but feels good with a gentle tug of lifting the leg upwards. Lay on back, pull knee toward chest, grab toes with one hand. Slowly extend the leg up towards the ceiling. An easier alternative is using robe tie or belt and wrap it around your foot and gently tug up.

This stretch targets hamstrings, thighs, groins, and calves. It’s perfectly fine to have a slight bend in the knee at first if it’s too hard to stretch it all the way up.

Childs pose or Balasana

This is my favorite yoga pose because it’s the easiest to do and is the least painful. This pose gently stretches the hips, thighs, and ankles. It’s the best to do at the end of harder stretches as a release.

Bend in the knees, straighten arms far out Infront of you on the floor, reaching as far as you can. For a hip stretch, widen the legs to the width of the mat.

These poses target other areas as well, but these mainly help with increasing leg flexibility. At the same time, it reduces pain and lengthens the muscles. I’m not an expert at these yoga poses yet but I know that these have been helping my flexibility in my legs. After a hard workout, or even going for a walk, I notice how tight my legs feel. Taking a bit of time out of the day to use these poses helps with increasing leg flexibility overtime when these yoga poses are practiced every day.

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