
How to Manifest Anything You Want Or Desire in 2022

Did you know you have the power to manifest your reality?

Your subconscious mind accepts everything you tell it. As a result, you can achieve anything you want in the new year by repeatedly visualizing and affirming to yourself what you want.

The affirmations you say and images you visualize will seep into your subconscious mind, and it will manifest in due time.

Why does this sound too good to be true?

Joseph Murphy, the author of “The Power of Your Subconscious Mind,” states that your belief system may be holding you back from achieving the life you desire. If you constantly think, “I’m broke” or “I’m never going to find love,” your subconscious mind will accept it to be accurate, and it will become your reality. Perhaps it may already be your reality.

Fortunately, he’s helped millions of people change their lives through one thing: Repetition. If it can work for them, it can work for you too.

Believe in the Power of Belief 

Affirm to your mind that whatever you tell it, it will believe. Affirmations will work only if you believe in the power of belief.

Affirm to yourself, “I believe my subconscious mind will accept what I tell it.” every day before reciting any affirmations. This affirmation will help to sink in any new beliefs you repeat. You can do it for 21 days to sync the affirmation into your subconscious. The subconscious is more powerful than the conscious mind.

The bible says, “And all things, whatsoever you shall ask for in prayer, believing, you shall receive” – Mathew 21:22. So even if you’re not religious, religion is rooted in belief. Prayers are a form of manifestation through faith in God.

You have to believe in belief regardless of your religion for manifestation to work for you.

Your Brain Learns Through Repetition

Repeat, repeat, repeat. Saying one affirmation is not enough for the subconscious mind to believe or manifest. Instead, it learns through repeated words, statements, visualizations, and behaviors to surpass the conscious mind to become manifest in your reality.

For example, if you want to attract greater wealth, you can repeat “Wealth is mine” with a visualization such as signing a contract with a salary you believe you can attain. Feel the feeling like you were experiencing it at that moment.

You would feel happy, excited, and even relieved. Keeping up this high vibration will motivate you to further your skills, apply to more jobs, and allow you to keep a positive outlook on your future, knowing it will come to you. The same goes with health, love, relationships, and career.

Use Your Senses to Manifest

Joseph Murphy recommends “mirror talk” for a more effective manifestation practice. Mirror talk is when you look at yourself in the mirror while saying an affirmation aloud.

You incorporate the sense of sight, as using more of your senses amplifies the brain’s learning process. As a result, the affirmation used to manifest works faster and more efficiently than just thinking or listening to an affirmation track.

You can say “health is mine” or “true love is mine” or whatever you want in the mirror and visualize it happening. The subconscious learns through visualization, sight, and hearing your voice, where the words you say will sink into your subconscious.

Doing this practice daily will raise your vibration for attracting the exact thing you want. Do it the first thing when you wake up, or right before you drift off to sleep as your conscious mind is less effective, so it goes straight to your subconscious mind.

Happiness is a Habit 

Many people think they need to have certain things in their lives to be happy. However, being happy is a habit, and it takes mental effort. You can only attract external outcomes when you are already happy.

Positive thoughts repeated daily will sync into the subconscious mind and become habitual.

It’s what you’re saying to yourself, what you are listening to, and watching will affect how you think and will make a significant impact on your happiness level. What you experience through your senses directly impacts your mood – it’s how the brain functions.

Listening to guided meditations, podcasts, motivational speakers, or practicing gratitude aloud can uplift you. Thoughts create feelings; therefore, you create your happiness.

Even thinking about positive future events increases the dopamine in your brain, the reward center. This activity is used in Future Directed Therapy (FDT) to treat patients with depression.

Through positive thinking, you will raise your vibration to attract the things you desire as you have complete control over your happiness. Consciously focus on positive thoughts every day, such as “abundance is inevitable for me” instead of negative thoughts. What you focus on grows.

Practicing mindfulness meditation can help you become mindful of your thoughts but not allow them to have power over you.

Wrapping Up 

By creating a morning and night routine for yourself with one or more of these suggestions above, you will be making yourself happier every day.

You will be creating a new neural pathway in the brain through continuous habitual thinking to attract high vibrational things that align with your state of mind.

By focusing on precisely what you want through your words and visualizations daily, you will be closer to manifesting your reality every day.

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