omega 3 for inflammation

What Supplements are Good for Inflammation?

The body’s immune system relies on inflammation to defend itself against wounds, infections, and irritations. Chronic inflammation, however, can cause several health problems, including autoimmune illnesses and heart disease. Fortunately, there are powerful natural inflammation supplements like Omega-3 fish oil, fiber, digestive enzymes, and turmeric.

These anti-inflammatory supplements function in various ways to support the body’s ability to combat inflammation since they have anti-inflammatory properties. Keep reading as we explore what supplement helps with inflammation to give the support your body needs to balance your gut, body, and overall well-being.

6 Best Supplements for Inflammation

1. Omega-3 Fish Oil

Omega 3 fish oil is known to have anti-inflammatory properties. They help reduce inflammation by blocking the production of certain pro-inflammatory molecules in the body. Specifically, omega-3 fish oil can inhibit the production of cytokines and chemokines, two types of molecules that play a vital role in the inflammatory response in the gut. 

Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) are found in omega-3 fish oil, which reduce inflammation by preventing the body from developing pro-inflammatory chemicals. Moreover, they work to lower the build-up of cytokines and chemokines, which aid in the resolution of inflammation. 

Some experts believe that the fatty acid found in omega-3 fish oil can help muscle repair and recovery. It may also reduce the inflammation in muscles after exercise. Injuries or strains can also trigger inflammation, as the body automatically begins to heal itself. This process involves releasing a compound called Specialized pro-resolving mediators (SPMs), produced in response to EPA and DHA. Furthermore, omega-3 fish oil can aid in lowering oxidative stress, another element that fuels inflammation.

2. Turmeric 

Tumeric is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent due to its active ingredient called curcumin. It is a popular spice in Indian cuisine, as curcumin gives it a yellow tint. Curcumin has been found to block inflammatory cytokines and enzymes. Additionally, curcumin contains antioxidant capabilities that can aid in neutralizing free radicals and lowering oxidative stress, which is another element contributing to inflammation.

Curcumin’s ability to regulate immune cells is helpful in the treatment of inflammatory illnesses, such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), arthritis, and ulcerative colitis. Curcumin may also lessen inflammation in the brain, which could have an impact on conditions like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. 

3. Fiber Complete

Fiber Complete is a powerful supplement for inflammation by promoting the growth of beneficial gut bacteria, which produce short-chain fatty acids that have anti-inflammatory properties. Fibre also works to regulate blood sugar levels, which can help reduce inflammation associated with insulin resistance.

Additionally, fiber is a crucial ingredient that supports regular bowel movements, prevents constipation, and maintains the health of the digestive system. A healthy gut lining prevents inflammation throughout the body because fewer toxins can enter the bloodstream. 

Consuming a diet high in fiber has been linked to a lower risk of chronic inflammatory diseases, such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and several cancers. Fiber can aid in developing good gut bacteria, which are responsible for producing short-chain fatty acids with anti-inflammatory properties. Additionally, fiber helps lower inflammation brought on by insulin resistance by regulating blood sugar levels.

4. Digestive Enzymes

Digestive enzymes are an effective supplement for inflammation as it improves the digestion of foods and absorption of nutrients. Inflammation is caused by certain foods that can be sensitive to digestion in the gut, such as processed foods like cheese and dairy products or foods with carbohydrates like bread and pasta.

These enzymes can assist with reducing the level of undigested food particles that can trigger an immune response and inflammation in the gut. 

Your gut’s health also correlates with how well the body absorbs nutrients. When the body correctly absorbs nutrients, it provides the necessary building blocks for the cells and tissues to function properly. As a result, it leads to decreased intestinal inflammation, bloating, and a healthier gut lining.

5. Magnesium 

Magnesium can help lower inflammation in the body. It has been shown to regulate immune system function and reduce the production of inflammatory cytokines. Additionally, magnesium can help improve blood flow and reduce oxidative stress, both of which contribute to inflammation.

Furthermore, many medical problems like type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease are related to inflammation that can be reduced with the help of magnesium. Supplementing with magnesium has been found to increase insulin sensitivity and lower blood pressure, which can assist in lessening inflammation. Magnesium has also been demonstrated to protect the cardiovascular system by lowering arterial stiffness and blood vessel inflammation.

6. Vitamin C 

Vitamin C can help lower inflammation in the body with its strong anti-inflammatory properties. It removes damaging free radicals from the body that can cause tissue damage and inflammation. Vitamin C can also aid in reducing the synthesis of cytokines and chemokines that promote inflammation and are crucial in the inflammatory response. Additionally, vitamin C boosts the immune system, which can lessen and avoid inflammation in the body. 

Additionally, vitamin C is essential for producing collagen, a protein that builds tissues like skin, bones, and cartilage. Collagen assists in keeping these tissues strong and elastic and keeps them from deteriorating, which can cause inflammation and other health problems. Studies have shown that vitamin C deficiency can affect collagen formation and weaken connective tissue, increasing the risk of inflammatory diseases like osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

7. Collagen 

Supplemental collagen is frequently promoted as important inflammation supplements brought on by diseases like osteoarthritis and enhance joint health. Many experts believe that collagen supplements may help reduce joint pain and inflammation by encouraging cartilage formation and repair.

Due to collagen’s high glycine content, these supplements are believed to also have anti-inflammatory properties. Glycine, also known as amino acid, has been found to have anti-inflammatory effects and may aid in immune system modulation. 

Additionally, collagen supplements have been shown to help repair and strengthen the intestinal lining, also referred to as the gut barrier, which can reduce inflammation in the gut. Collagen supplements boost the synthesis of tight junction proteins, which close the spaces between intestinal cells. Therefore, the gut’s inflammatory response can be lessened with this repair and strengthening of the gut barrier.


Inflammation is a common cause of many health problems, and taking the right vitamins can help support your body’s natural ability to fight inflammation. Some of the best products for reducing inflammation are omega-3 fish oil, turmeric, fiber complete, digestive enzymes, magnesium, vitamin C, and collagen. Start incorporating some of these supplements to start reducing inflammation today.

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